Investments completed
In December 2018, Selfa Grzejnictwo Elektryczne S.A. completed the project entitled “Establishment of the Selfa Research and Development Center” carried out as part of the Regional Operational Program for the West Pomeranian Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020.
In the scope of the above project, a Research and Development Center was built with a total area of 1,400 m2. This facility has been equipped with a modern machine park designed for the development and implementation of process and product innovations related to the production of heating elements. In addition, the Center has been equipped with modern laboratory equipment allowing for conducting a wide range of tests and research on industrial processes as well as electro-heating products themselves. As part of the implementation of the previously adopted strategy – “Environment Friendly Company” – also photovoltaic modules with a total capacity of 17.6 kW have been installed on the roof of the Research and Development Center.

In October 2018, the company SELFA GE S.A. she finished the investment titled : “Technological line for the production of heaters matched with geometry to the heated structure, using 3D bending and automation of production processes of head heating assemblies”
The total cost of the project was over PLN 4 million net. The investment was co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund, under the Regional Operational Program for the West Pomeranian Voivodeship 2014-2020, action No. RPZP.01.05.00 “Investments of enterprises supporting the development of regional specializations and smart specializations”. The aim of the project is ” Strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) ”. The project co-financing amounted to over PLN 1.5 million, which represents about 39% of the investment cost. .

In May 2018, the company SELFA GE S.A. she finished the investment titled “Roof solar installation with a maximum power of 214,5 kWp in the production and office building of Selfa GE S.A. at Bieszczadzka St. 14 in Szczecin.”
The photovoltaic installation was mounted on the roof of the production plant and the roof of the office building. The total cost of the project amounted to PLN 958 533 net. The investment was co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund, under the Regional Operational Program for the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship 2014-2020, action no. RPZP.02.10.00 “Increasing the use of renewable sources”.
The aim of the project is to increase energy production from renewable energy sources. The project co-financing amounted to PLN 541,105.70 which is 56.5% of the investment cost.
100% of the energy produced is consumed for the needs of the heating element plant.
The contractor for the investment was MTech from Wołczkowa.

In April 2017, the company SELFA GE S.A. – Polish producer of solar modules, completed the investment titled “Free-standing PV installation with a maximum capacity of 0.95 MWp in the village of Stare Czarnowo.” The investment is located at the photovoltaic module production plant of SELFA G.E. S.A. in Stary Browar, in the region of Staryńsk.
The photovoltaic power plant consists of 3652 pcs. Modules with a nominal power of 260 Wp, characterized by very high mechanical strength – 8000 Pa and KACO inverters from the new Blueplanet line. The Corab WS-007 assembly system – a Polish manufacturer of photovoltaic solutions from Olsztyn – was used for the construction of the farm.
The total cost of the project was PLN 3.883.335,00 net. The investment is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund, as part of the Regional Operational Program for the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship 2014-2020, action no. RPZP.02.10.00 “Increasing the use of renewable sources”. The aim of the project is to increase energy production from renewable energy sources. The co-financing level of the project was around 59%
The contractor for the investment is ETEXINSTAL Sp.z o.o. from Świecie.